Must-have features in the event registration software


What are the features that one should look at in event registration software? What are the musts and what you can do without? An event registration software should have the facility of online event registration, listing features that enable the software to segmentize leads into different groups based on industry jobs and sessions attended. The listing feature allows a personalised experience for guests.

The event registration software should be able to provide hot leads that engage your potential attendees and make conversion a greater possibility. It should be able to track individuals through the event registration process and invite them with convincing posts and email to become a part of the event. Once you have identified the exact target audience you can encourage their inclusion with campaigns and retargeting methods known best to the industry.

If you wish to bring the numbers up in your registration, then focusing on analytics is a scientific method of approaching your target audience. Make sure that your event registration software is provided with key metrics showing conversion rate revenue number and social participation. It should offer an instant picture of event sessions and their popularity, design details that help marketers adjust strategies and make them more efficient in the ongoing event as well as beyond it.

Session registration is highly demanding in virtual events. If you are hosting an event with a limited number of seats, then accommodating your attendees in sessions with restricted numbers is a significant requirement. Your event registration software should be able to make this kind of booking and track the registration. While the registration is being made it should be able to collect data that will help you to improvise and improve your strategy for your present event and for future marketing initiatives.

A virtual event is not as glamorous as an in-person event, attendees are searching for something different that will make the event experience better. Your event registration software should display ticketing innovation, session segregation and strive to bring a great experience for users. From complex registration, discount codes, to auto assigning, all these arrangements should be taken care of, seamlessly.

Promoting the event is equally important and your event software should be able to fulfil this task effectively by building a website for the event which does not require coding but is as simple as dragging and dropping images and content for your site. Boosting visibility through SEO and social sharing tools are essential for the virtual events of today. The software should be accessible from all devices, particularly mobiles, as it would be extensively used on your mobile platforms.

Find all these features and more in one of the most advanced event registration software, Evenesis. Visit to speak to the sales team for an in-depth understanding.


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