Virtual Meetings Are Not New

 Virtual events are not new and making the best out of them is the way to go. Focusing on successful virtual events will keep the concept of social distancing intact and at the same time will help the event industry move ahead.

With COVID-19 putting an indefinite pause on real-life meetings and events, virtual events are now widespread and most talked about. But the questions and apprehensions regarding virtual events are looming large in the event industry and some are fearing that it will never be the same as the real-life one. People are not fully willing to make a complete shift to virtual meetings and hybrid events seem the most preferred option.

A new beginning

Event experts around the world are looking at the situation as a boon and a learning process. Let us see what event makers should focus on in 2021 and beyond, regardless of how impeding the situation is. What are the best practices to make a business move for the better?

Digital events are not new

One thing must not be forgotten that digital conversation was always the way pre- and post-event discussions moved in the past. The real events were an offline version of the main content strategy that took place online than on the event venue. Most relevant contents were floated online, and learning opportunities always took place digitally than physically. The only benefit of the offline meet was a physical presence and getting to know each other. IRL has now shifted to URL.

So, basically, there really has not been too much shift and online events can be regarded as an ongoing digital content strategy. Earlier too event software was used for IRL event registration and online event registration. So, it is just a continuation with conversations centered around hashtag or podcast. Earlier too, most event outcomes were published online and now it will be no different, therefore nothing has really changed.

Move ahead to make it better

In fact, these events allow more expression from introvert participants who were not able to show their full potential in crowded venues, therefore it would be wise to focus on virtual-only rather than hold on to the thought of hybrid. Work on virtual meets and enhance more interesting ways of making the meetings successfully.


Events software are advancing by the day and making digital events take on a new role. Enabling live conversations and interactions there is no stopping the event industry from flourishing if you have the advanced software


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