Going LIVE with Online Events

Mass physical gatherings have practically been a thing of the past. All interactions have been transferred to a virtual platform. Event management programs will make it simpler in this new norm!

Live events have been booming over the last few years. Marketing budgets have primarily centered on in-person seminars, forums, conventions, meetings, and other formal and informal meetings to generate new leads, communicate with clients, interact with colleagues, get to know vendors, educate participants, etc.

And then the world was unexpectedly struck by the coronavirus epidemic! Everything came to a halt, with lockdowns being imposed practically all over the world. Plans came tumbling down like a house of cards – events were cancelled or postponed indefinitely, left, right, and centre. Even as countries continue to hold on and respond to the high-level disruptions caused by Covid-19, virtual gatherings have become a new norm. In essence, technology comes to the rescue by filling the void in the face of the existing restrictions.

And with no slowdown in the case numbers in Malaysia or other parts of the world, virtual event planning is here to stay. It follows that, whether it's a casual Zoom family call or an official council meeting of marketing managers, they need someone to coordinate the proceedings and be at the helm of affairs. In the former case, this can be accomplished by a tech-savvy family member, but structured programmes call for a competent event planner.

What’s in store?

The market dynamics are very challenging in the current state and are bound to persist for an uncertain period of time. Event organisers have to brace themselves and must step up as event styles and protocols are bound to experience a sea shift through corporate, retail, sports, and entertainment sectors. Emphasis may be shifted to webinar meetings, online broadcasting of awards, or a completely interactive conference where participants will exchange information, discuss or even engage in exercises.

Rather than trying to get a grasp of the current modus operandi, the usage of a comprehensive event management system can be a bonus for coordinating such proceedings. Online software may be used to organise activities such as organising guest lists, sending invitations, filing the responses, administering registrations, tracking check-ins, sharing web links, and so forth. Even tedious procedures such as ticketing, transactions, floor preparation, cost tracking, etc. can be simplified by interactive event software.

Apart from this, it may help host an event website or live app with information, notifications, alerts, etc. This may also be a platform for participants to network and get to know each other before or even after the event, thereby filling the gap of much-needed face-to-face interactions.

In fact, a recent study by Future Market Insights on the future of the global event management software market shows that these platforms help organisers to maximise the number of participants, as well as helping to improve the selling of tickets.

In brief, organising an online event is quite distinct from a standard offline event. Event management software is incredibly helpful as it facilitates seamless and high-quality online experience and enhances the backstage performance of the manifold!


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