Virtual Meetings Are Not New

Virtual events are not new and making the best out of them is the way to go. Focusing on successful virtual events will keep the concept of social distancing intact and at the same time will help the event industry move ahead. With COVID-19 putting an indefinite pause on real-life meetings and events, virtual events are now widespread and most talked about. But the questions and apprehensions regarding virtual events are looming large in the event industry and some are fearing that it will never be the same as the real-life one. People are not fully willing to make a complete shift to virtual meetings and hybrid events seem the most preferred option. A new beginning Event experts around the world are looking at the situation as a boon and a learning process. Let us see what event makers should focus on in 2021 and beyond, regardless of how impeding the situation is. What are the best practices to make a business move for the better? Digital events are not new One thing must not ...