Going LIVE with Online Events

Mass physical gatherings have practically been a thing of the past. All interactions have been transferred to a virtual platform. Event management programs will make it simpler in this new norm! Live events have been booming over the last few years. Marketing budgets have primarily centered on in-person seminars, forums, conventions, meetings, and other formal and informal meetings to generate new leads, communicate with clients, interact with colleagues, get to know vendors, educate participants, etc. And then the world was unexpectedly struck by the coronavirus epidemic! Everything came to a halt, with lockdowns being imposed practically all over the world. Plans came tumbling down like a house of cards – events were cancelled or postponed indefinitely, left, right, and centre. Even as countries continue to hold on and respond to the high-level disruptions caused by Covid-19, virtual gatherings have become a new norm. In essence, technology comes to the rescue by filling the void in ...